ALMOST HERE! “In God’s Courtroom” will be released October 1. America is overruling God, removing God from society. But is man’s verdict the final verdict? Has God lost? Will evil triumph in the end or will righteousness overcome evil? “Shall the Judge of all the earth” enforce righteousness or step aside? Click here for more information.
NEW!!! Feel free to download and distribute, God’s Judgment of the United States (pdf format click here). It is the Appendix in the upcoming book In God’s Courtroom.
Welcome to a spiritual library designed to convert God’s Church into God’s Greenhouse! The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:9, “You are God’s garden” or “growing place.” Your church and neighborhood greenhouse share something in common: They both exist to grow something!
Church consultant Tom Bandy says, “We have made many church members but not many disciples.” It is my firm conviction the church must get back to growing people if it is to fulfill its purpose in our post-Christian culture. Unfortunately, too many churches just have church! They accomplish very little.
This website will help you develop a greenhouse philosophy of growing believers who then grow God’s church.
My how-to-do book God’s Greenhouse: How To Grow People God’s Way is available at Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and other web retailers (click on seller to preview). (This book is used by some in “church revitalization ministry.”) A complete library of Greenhouse spiritual growth material is on the way, too. (See the Books tab.)
This website also features numerous articles, teacher helps, links to youtube videos and free resources to develop your leaders/members in the key categories of worship, ministry, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism. Plus more!
My goal is to make these resources available for God’s leaders throughout the world. Think of this website as a free resource library! This website will continue to be updated throughout the coming years. Be sure to check back occasionally for new material.
But the most important part of all is My Personal Testimony. This is how I met Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and the Lord of glory. It all begins with Him!
You may contact me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Pastor Tom Swartzwelder
B.A. Tennessee Temple University (1979)
M. Div. Luther Rice Seminary (1987)